Saturday, November 19, 2011

A few thoughts on how to Pray

I don't use prayer "lists" any more. I pray what I "think" or what I "feel". When I had a list, it because just that, a list to be "checked off" each day.
I believe prayer ( our conversation with our Father ) is to be "real" and with emotion. Not a "dry" grocery list of things we need / want. We should pour out our heart and share are every thought. Seek His guidance in EVERY decision, little or large. I found myself doing several things differently ( many "little" things ), just because I've been trying to say, "okay, Lord, I have 20 minutes, what should I do with it?". Or "Lord, should I go here, there, or stay put?" And He will usually give me a clear thought or feeling. Often causing me to "change course", or sometimes have a new idea or direction that I had not been considering. It's very exciting to "walk" with the Lord in this way.
The word of God is a foundation of truth that we must learn from, but the experience of "interacting" with Him is a source of much joy and peace. And this "relationship" is what can make us act and "look" different than our fellow men, who do not have this relationship. And they should "see" this joy and peace, and "want it" too. I know I feel that way, both when I am "walking" with the Lord, and when I have been "off the path". Having experienced the peace that comes from a daily walk with the Lord, I "feel" it's absence when it's not there. Sin can break the "peace", but prayer and confess can quickly restore it. The Bible calls it "Abiding". Which means "to remain in a close and settled union."

May the Love and Spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ "ABIDE" in you today!